how to drape a basic back bodice and join with the front

Here i upload a video of the demonstration of the draping Basic back in my class. Though i quite agree to the fact that in garment making, video tutorials are not the best way to learn the basic. You must learn the basics live. explorations of various types could be gathered from a video tutorial. I must also mention that this video is not a video tutorial. It is a video of a live tutorial shot by my student while giving it in class.

Draped tops for a Beach Party

For the grading of the 3rd year fashion design students in the draping module, I wanted to give them a situation where they could design a garment for a occasion.

These are some of the developments.

Mediocrity cannot accept eccentricity! Its SAD.

This interview of John Galliano with Charlie Rose after his so called racist remarks will make to fall in love with him again. He is a true genius and see how mediocrity could pull him down from his supreme creativity.

anyway, he is back. and well all want him back.

Enjoy the interview!

The Draping Drama

All my students have got into the argument of Pattern Making vs Draping. Such discussions always put me in a position where I am forced to take a side. Since I have been teaching Draping since a very long long time it is always expected of me to defend Draping against Pattern making. Though its a different matter altogether that the first ever class that i took at NIFT was Pattern Making. However, coming back to the point of pattern making and Draping.... I am on the side of the good fitting clothes. It doesn't matter in the end if it was pattern made or draped. it is the end product that should make the designers decide which tool they would like to use for the design conceived. 

The art of Draping is fluid and give more freedom to the 'art that design is'. on the other hand the technique of pattern making is technical and engineered. 

Here, i am posting a video, which shows the fluidity of the art of draping..


The Draping Apron

I would always fancy toolkits and chef's aprons. Though, they do not fall in my domain. So i tried to apply it to my profession. I am a Draping teacher and I need to give many many demonstration of Draping every week. So I thought of Designing a draping Apron where all my Draping tools could be handy while I could concentrate on draping.

This is the improved version of the Apron. The first attempt was good as a regular apron but was not customized to the draping needs.

This Draping Apron has
- a customized slot for French Curve.
- V shaped slots for scissors - 2 of them ( big and small shears)
- loops to hang measuring tape and Style tape.
- slim pockets for pens and pencils.
- Pockets for Pin boxes.
- a large pocket for any additional material.

- and the most liked feature is the MAGNET attached to the belt to collect pins. :)


This is how work happens in my Draping Class

I always thought about making a video of my demonstrations. Looking at myself would help me improve my performance in terms of teaching. It could also help students who missed a demo. Although, i would also mean that the demo would be readily available. so the attention paid to any demo so that no detail is missed out shall reduce.

This is a nice video (courtsey Somesh Mahanty) of the Fashion Design (Batch 11-14).


Polka dresses of the 60's

These are polka dresses draped by the batch that graduated this year. Photo courtsey Ms. Surbhi Singh

Bias Grain Manipulation

So, my new post comes really quickly....

The Bias draping is the most beautiful part of draping. The fabric is just so feminine when on bias. Its my favorite...and "John Galliano's" too.

This is the only bias that is beautiful ...really!!


Twists and Turns


Its been many months that I have made a post on this Blog. Blame it to the popular social media 'facebook'. it makes you publicize every single activity that u do which collectively could result in a nice blog post. However, u will never have enough to fill the blog bucket if each drop is posted everyday.

On hindsight, it is not that their has not been any draping activity. But I get so distracted in the 'Twist and Turns' of the real and virtual life that the beautifully 'draped twists' by the Fashion Design students (Batch 2010 -13) just couldn't find way to my blog.

Twists are one of the draping tricks that attract a lot of attention in a classroom and otherwise as they are generally not achievable by pattern making. Apart from this it is a beautiful break from the regular basics that the students have draped till previous semesters. I apologize for not being able to name the individual students here as many memory fails me.

These are collection of some of my favorite classroom twists. Enjoy.